November 8 - So this was a pretty cool week and I'll tell you a little bit about it.
Tuesday: So we basically had transfer cleaning all day long. I beat out my futon and all that fun stuff. Cleaned out our gross air vents which was enjoyable. Basically we did that all day and after dinner we went to help one of the sisters take apart her bike for transferring.
Wednesday: So like last Wednesday we went over to center Minami and went in more parks. We didn't talk to very many people this time cause they didn't really want to, but it was still very enjoyable because the parks here are very pretty. We meet lots of gai Jin (foreigners) and every time we ask them why they are in Japan they say for work. But then we ask what they do and they sort of just round about tell us what they do and it's always shady sounding lol. But after we went through all the parks we were leaving and we ran into a guy who was interested so we taught him the restoration, and he seemed pretty kin Jin (golden investigator). But he wouldn't give us contact info. and said he might call. Sadly he hasn't yet but that's ok.
Then we returned to Kikuna. Oh I almost forgot, we found a baby cockroach on our wall and we also fine a little jumpy spider on our wall so we tried to get them to fight. But they wouldn't, so we stuck them in a jar and they still did nothing. But then an hour later we looked, and the spider was totally vampire, get the thing. We were very happy and now we hope that since he has had a taste of cockroach blood that he will go hunt more. We are training him.
Thursday: We had studies and then I got my new companion! His name is Elder Phillips and he is way chill and I think we will get along great. We unpacked a few things of his and put his bike together, then we went to the church for weekly planning. After planning we went and got soba and katsudon for dinner which was tasty. We also got melon pan which is pretty amazing. Then we had ekaiwa which was way fun and one of our students quit his job and I want him to become an investigator because he can probably come to church more easily now. We are good friends. He is really nice and cool so I hope he will maybe take lessons.
Friday: We had lots of studies (as usual) then went to district meeting. We taught a kid part of the restoration on the way there but he had to go sadly so we gave him the pamphlet and invited him to the Christmas party. District meeting went great and then we went back to the apartment for dinner. After that we went to shin Yokohama and started streeting around. We met a lot of interesting people and invited them to church. Most people there are just focused on work so they don't really wanna listen. We did talk to some driving old guys. One kept shaking our hands and the other was just being all weird. They wanted us to have some sake but we said we don't drink it, and they were very surprised. One of them gave us a sen which is equivalent to 10 dollars and told us to go buy some, but we said we didn't need it and tried to give it back. He wouldn't take it no matter how hard we tried so we ended up having to take his money cause he refused to take it back. So that was fun.
Saturday: We did some studies then went and started housing near a less active's house hoping he would call because we usually have a lesson with him on Saturday. We didn't have much success and our less active didn't call but that's ok. We then went back and got on the train for Kichijoji. We were going to get free flu shots and I saw a bunch of the other missionaries there. It was a fun reunion and cool to go back to Kichijoji. Then we ate Mcdonalds and went back to our respective areas.
Sunday: I didn't understand very much still but I think I'm getting better. Sacrament is the bomb everyone, you should love it. A couple of our less actives came to church so that was pretty cool cause it wasn't expected. After church we had choir practice and then we went home teaching with Suzuki Kyodai which was great. We talked about the importance of reading scriptures as a family. After that we went back and ate dinner and the other elders made me eat this disgusting jelly-like seaweed stuff in vinegar. It was horrible and I almost threw up, but I finished it so that's good. Then went did a little bit of housing before we came back.
Monday: All I have done is studies today but we are going to go to the Mitsubishi Museum and I think it is going to be pretty sick. We are also gonna teach one of our investigators that this is the true church and we are going to lay down the law a little bit because we haven't been talking at all in the last lessons because he has been trying to
teach us. So ya that's today. Thanks for all the emails and I will see you next week.