November 23, 2015
"Well let's see if I can remember what happened this week.
Tuesday: We had zone meeting which was nice fun. We received some good trainings and it is always fun to see the other missionaries from Kanagawa and Kawasaki. I can't remember what we did on Tuesday for some reason.
Wednesday: Wednesday we did some stuff and things. I honestly am going brain dead cause I can't remember any things we did this week. We had boys out Ekaiwa for the first time though! We got to teach a bunch of scouts and they were like totally terrified at first. But then we got them more interested and stuff so they sort of warmed up to us foreigners.
Thursday: We did the usual except when we were going to have weekly planning instead we ended up fixing one of the sister's bikes. She ran over glass. That's not good for tires. My bike is still flat cause we haven't had time to fix it but soon! After that we had normal Ekaiwa which is always a joy. We teach a bunch of grandpas that are pretty funny with the random things they ask.
Friday: we had zone conference! President and Sister wada came over and had a bunch of new stuff to tell us. We talked about a lot of ways to improve how we achieve our purpose. It was really cool to see how much they are in tune with the spirit. We had new mission standards for how many people we invite to church and things like that set up. This is going to be hard to meet these new standards but we are going to try our best. We heard some really spiritual testimonies from the missionaries that are leaving after this transfer is over. We are going to lose a
lot of old people this next transfer. We were hoping that a less active from America we invited would come to this
thing called questions of the soul. President wada relates a well known movie to the Book of Mormon and how it answers the questions of the soul. Sadly he didn't show up so we went and visited a less active's house where we found out that less active doesn't live there any more. But that's ok cause we talked to people and did our best.
Saturday: We had the studs as usual, then we had district meeting. We had cake this time so that was nice. We talked about a bunch of random stuff and how to do housing better. After that we finished our weekly planning which is always a joy. Then we went and visited matsuda kyodai and we talked about nature again. We are really hoping he can get to the temple.
Sunday: We had a usual Sunday except, at church we sang this week. We sang I'm trying to be like Jesus and search ponder and pray, it was fun and people said we did good so that made me happy. Nobody came to church
yet but soon we will have someone! After church we went and did some housing and almost every person answered. We also found a lady and her family who might be interested in the gospel so we are hoping that they will be willing. Then we had a little Thanksgiving dinner at the Bishop's house. It was way funny and fun just as last time.
Monday: we didn't really do a lot yesterday. We just did some housing and my companion got his umbrella stuck on a power line. Don't ask me how he did that cause I don't know. We had some dinner at my usual ton Katsu place where everyone especially the owner knows me cause I go there too often. Then we had a lesson with philyaw. It was kinda a lot like all the other lessons, not too eventful but he said he'd come to church in three
weeks so that's awesome.
Tuesday: we went to the temple, which is always a joy. That's about all I got for his week so I'll talk to you all later."
Tuesday: We had zone meeting which was nice fun. We received some good trainings and it is always fun to see the other missionaries from Kanagawa and Kawasaki. I can't remember what we did on Tuesday for some reason.
Wednesday: Wednesday we did some stuff and things. I honestly am going brain dead cause I can't remember any things we did this week. We had boys out Ekaiwa for the first time though! We got to teach a bunch of scouts and they were like totally terrified at first. But then we got them more interested and stuff so they sort of warmed up to us foreigners.
Thursday: We did the usual except when we were going to have weekly planning instead we ended up fixing one of the sister's bikes. She ran over glass. That's not good for tires. My bike is still flat cause we haven't had time to fix it but soon! After that we had normal Ekaiwa which is always a joy. We teach a bunch of grandpas that are pretty funny with the random things they ask.
Friday: we had zone conference! President and Sister wada came over and had a bunch of new stuff to tell us. We talked about a lot of ways to improve how we achieve our purpose. It was really cool to see how much they are in tune with the spirit. We had new mission standards for how many people we invite to church and things like that set up. This is going to be hard to meet these new standards but we are going to try our best. We heard some really spiritual testimonies from the missionaries that are leaving after this transfer is over. We are going to lose a
lot of old people this next transfer. We were hoping that a less active from America we invited would come to this
thing called questions of the soul. President wada relates a well known movie to the Book of Mormon and how it answers the questions of the soul. Sadly he didn't show up so we went and visited a less active's house where we found out that less active doesn't live there any more. But that's ok cause we talked to people and did our best.
Saturday: We had the studs as usual, then we had district meeting. We had cake this time so that was nice. We talked about a bunch of random stuff and how to do housing better. After that we finished our weekly planning which is always a joy. Then we went and visited matsuda kyodai and we talked about nature again. We are really hoping he can get to the temple.
Sunday: We had a usual Sunday except, at church we sang this week. We sang I'm trying to be like Jesus and search ponder and pray, it was fun and people said we did good so that made me happy. Nobody came to church
yet but soon we will have someone! After church we went and did some housing and almost every person answered. We also found a lady and her family who might be interested in the gospel so we are hoping that they will be willing. Then we had a little Thanksgiving dinner at the Bishop's house. It was way funny and fun just as last time.
Monday: we didn't really do a lot yesterday. We just did some housing and my companion got his umbrella stuck on a power line. Don't ask me how he did that cause I don't know. We had some dinner at my usual ton Katsu place where everyone especially the owner knows me cause I go there too often. Then we had a lesson with philyaw. It was kinda a lot like all the other lessons, not too eventful but he said he'd come to church in three
weeks so that's awesome.
Tuesday: we went to the temple, which is always a joy. That's about all I got for his week so I'll talk to you all later."