Week 29
April 12, 2016
So this is the rundown of the week.
Tuesday: From Monday night we had splits with the zone leaders. On Tuesday we had the usual study routine, but then we went to a ramen place for lunch. And it was sooooo delicious. It was also one of the politest (not sure if he meant politest, lol) things I have ever eaten. So ya it was a ton of food, delicious but it is hazardous to the stomach health. Then we visited a few people but sadly they weren't home. Then we visited a less active whose wife died recently and he has been hit pretty hard. He was really nice to us and I think we made him a little happier with our visit so that was good. Then we did some housing and streeting and all that. Not much success there but that's ok. Then we had splits review and went back to our area.
Wednesday: We did some stuff and things.... Man I don't remember. Anyway we had Ekaiwa in the evening which was pretty good. We didn't have very many people in advanced class that day so that was not the best but we still had a great conversation.
Thursday: We had weekly planning as usual as well as writing reports and things like that. So that took up the first chunk of the day. But then we had some nice housing or something like that during the evening. We didn't have a whole lot of people listen but we had some people, and the people we did talk to were nice enough to hear the message and not just reject it flat out.
Friday: So we had district meeting before which a random guy that lives next to the church just decided that we were going to go to ohanami with him. That basically just means looking at flowers. So after district meeting we went with him not knowing who he was or where we were going, but you know when you are missionaries if people talk to YOU, just don't question it. So he took us to these really cool places with nature and temples and stuff like that and it was actually a pretty good time. We got some great pictures at Sayama Lake. The rest of the day was pretty normal.
Saturday: General Conference!! I once again loved everything! I don't know why I didn't notice how awesome General Conference was before my mission but now I do so that's good. I felt the spirit a lot and it's such a cool thing to think that our leaders are doing everything they can because they care about us and that everyone else is on the same ultimate journey. But ya, that basically happened all day long and it was all great.
during the break in conference, so that was way cool as well. After that we went to the Bishop's house for a meal appointment which was way fun. The food was awesome and they are a way fun family. Basically the whole time we were there, the Bishop just told Elder ------ that he needs to do better. He was serious but at the same time joking and he just ripped him apart for like an hour and a half and it was hilarious. Us other three were laughing so hard cause Bishop was way funny. He kept telling Elder ------ "You need to listen to your junior companion!" So that was pretty funny.
Monday: We decided to bike over to Hanno! Which is pretty far by bike, but we started and we're going against way hard winds so that kinda sucked but we got there. It was a way cool bike ride and we had fun -- sort of. Elder Draper didn't really like it lol. We visited a less active and tried to talk to as many people as possible. Sadly it was way windy so there weren't as many people out as usual. When we passed out flyers it was like a tornado. It was way sunny but the wind was unbelievable. That was pretty cold. Then we had dinner and biked on back. The rest of the night we just streeted and I talked to one guy about eternal families s that was awesome.
Today: We have so far only gone to the temple. But yeah that was great as usual. The temple provides a lot of protection and peace. I also saw Elder Clark from the north mission there! He's my friend and was my student body president so that was cool. Anyway, that's all for this week. Love the Lord. Love your life. Keep on goi
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