November 6, 2016 - Week 58

Earlier that day, actually, we gave a BoM to a 16-year-old kid and got his phone number. So that is awesome! We will be calling him back. But ya, maybe not the most eventful week but it has been pretty good. Here are some pics.
The gospel is the best!
It's recently gotten colder here and the winter seems to be coming fairly quickly, but it's ok 'cause we don't mind the cold!
So here are some of the highlights for this week.
Wednesday: We were pretty booked with a lot of stuff to go so we were basically all over the place until Ekaiwa which was a lot of fun. Most of the advanced class is basically better at English than me so we just sit there and have a big conversation.
Thursday: We had mission leadership council so Elder Coleman and I went over to Kichijoji. We got delicious food at the mission home, so that made me happy. We also received some way awesome trainings. There was one that talked about how to deal with opposed parents who won't let their kids get baptized. They related how Alma and King Lamoni had the same kind of problems with King Lamoni's father. It was way good. We also learned a lot about family history. We really want to start talking to more people about it and using it to its most effectiveness. All in all, it was way good.
We have been doing a lot of housing recently trying to find all those interested people. But we just have fun experiences even if we don't find them. Elder Smith and I went to visit and pray with a member last night. So we did that and offered to help with anything they needed and then went out to knock on doors. There was this one old lady in her 70's who was talking about how she worships the sun and space and she kept smacking Elder Smith like a disobedient grandchild. It was hilarious. I kept the conversation going just so I could see her smack him. We also were able to give a restoration pamphlet to a really nice guy so we hope he can get something out of it.
District Meeting |
The gospel is the best!
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