Week 63 - December 11, 2016
This transfer was shortened by two weeks so some of the people could get home for Christmas.
Honestly, I feel like this week didn't have a lot of highlights but I'll do my best.
We had zone meeting again on Thursday. We had to do it again after the recent MLC we had, but that was Elder Spackman's last, and I think we all got a boost to go finding after all of those trainings.
I would say that the biggest thing was probably the baptism on Saturday! The Sister's investigator got baptized and it went really well. They only had to do it one time and there were a decent amount of people who came to the service. Sadly, the other Elder's investigator didn't show up because he got a bit worried, so maybe the next week or week after that he will get baptized. This zone is trying really hard to get people to baptism and it's way awesome to be here and see everyone working so hard. After the baptism, we were able to go with a member back to O--o San's house and they talked about some of his questions and concerns. It went pretty well and it's gonna take a little bit of time but we think he will be able to make it to church some time.
We tried all week to invite lots of people to the baptism and meet with us and it went alright. There was actually a decent amount of success we found as we followed up daily with the people that we could. Also, on Saturday we had transfer calls. Elder Millard is going to be companions with Elder Murphy (Elder Spackman's current companion), and Elder Hawkins is coming to be the other zone leader with me! It is going to be really nice having the zone leaders put back together instead of having to go on splits all the time and stuff like that.
So yesterday on Sunday we were able to have an investigator show up at the end of church. He was pretty nervous and stuff and said he wasn't super ready to talk but it makes sense 'cause it was a completely different environment and feeling that he's never had before. So we talked about the Restoration and he watched the Christmas devotional with us! I love Christmas. We will meet with him on Tuesday again with a member so I think that will go really well.
That night we also found an old man who accepted a BoM and said it is ok if we come back the next day. He said he would read it and seemed pretty interested, so we are going back tonight to expound more.
The BoM and the gospel really do change people's lives. It's interesting to see how they come to realize truths that they hadn't heard before and sometimes how easy it is for them. I know that it's the Spirit that confirms it to them and that if we all follow that guidance then we will always be led right.
That's it for this week!

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