So this week has just been meetings like crazy and we have had absolutely no time to do things.
Tuesday: We had interviews on Tuesday which was really good talking to president. Also Elder Hemi is planning a Polynesian culture event to invite people to so we got to talk about that a little bit as well.
Wednesday: We had zone meeting on Wednesday as well as one district meeting. It wasn't anything too spectacular. We just followed up on what we learned at MLC and we are trying to pump up the zone still. They don't seem to be too genki right now and we are not sure if they really have the faith to find investigators. So we are trying to change that.
Thursday: We fixed Elder Hemi's bike cause it randomly popped one day. Then we had weekly planning and Ekaiwa the rest of the day. We started sharing a gospel message after Ekaiwa for people who want to stay so we are hoping to get a bigger attendance as we go along. 

Friday: We had zone meeting which was all about following the Spirit. I really liked learning more about following the Spirit because if we are always striving to follow that, then it's pretty hard to go wrong. At night we had a meal appointment with a member which was awesome! She made us basically the Japanese version of tacos. You get seaweed, put rice and sushi on it, then wrap it up and eat it! It was way good.
Saturday and Sunday: got totally taken over by General Conference. But that's ok 'cause it was
awesome! I noticed they focused about God being our father, doing the basic gospel principles and following the spirit. It was way good to hear even more about the spirit at conference. I can definitely follow my first promptings more often. I also loved Elder Eyring's talk in priesthood session.
Here's the miracles for this week! On Tuesday we met an investigator that we met 3 days before. He read some of the Plan of Salvation pamphlet and we got to talk with him more about it. He was super interested and had a really strong desire to learn. We really felt that he could progress to baptism if he commits. We invited him to General Conference but sadly he wasn't able to make it so we will keep trying. Either way, we testified to him about living prophets and it was way sick!
Another miracle was after zone conference we walked out of the church and the first guy we talked to was a college student. He was way chill and we had a good conversation. We then asked him if he would want to take a tour of the church and he said he would love that! So we gave him a tour of the whole thing and showed him the baptismal font. He said it felt petty 神聖 which is like sacred. We explained to him the meaning of it and he said that would have been so cool if he learned about that since he was a kid. We also invited him to general conference but he couldn't come either. He agreed to meet us again though so we are still very hopeful! Anyway that's the miracles.
Anyway, I know his church is guided by living prophets and it's the only true church out there. So be grateful you are in it. That's all for now. Talk to y'all next week! Love ya,
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