Week 31 - April 25, 2016 - Back to Yokohama, Yamate Area
Ya there's a lot of people that speak English in Yamate.
Tuesday: We cleaned and packed like most of the day and then just did some dendo.
Wednesday: We went to Koku Koen for our last dendo day but didn't find a whole lot of success but we had a good time. Then we had our last Ekaiwa and it was pretty fun. We had brownies after and like 6 new students came so that was awesome.
Thursday: transfer day!! So we sent off Elder Uemura at like 7:00 so that was my goodbye. Sad to see him go but he's off to train a new missionary so that's good. Then we had to go back, do some studies, and pack up the rest of the stuff. So we had our last lunch as a trio then headed out. Everything went ok until I got to Ikebukuro and it was way big and a bit confusing so I was 2 mins to slow for the train I needed. But then I just waited like 10 mins and I hopped on the next train and made it all right.
Friday: so we went to Yokohama station and with a member and taught these 3 ladies some English and some of the restoration. It was interesting and we are trying to pass them off to the sisters so they can teach them. Then we went to TGI Fridays after and it was way good. It was also super weird having American food again. It made me way happy. After that we had a meeting with the Bishop 'cause it's the beginning of the transfer and he likes to do that. Then we streeted around and got one guy's number, but he couldn't talk very well so we will see in the future how that goes. Then we finished studies and had dinner. After that we didn't have a whole lot of time so we did some streeting again and found one guy who thought we had no idea how to speak Japanese even though we were speaking it. In the end he said it was cool if we met again so we are hoping that works out.
Saturday: We had a few studies then basketball!! So we do basketball every Saturday here and a good amount of people come. We had a good time playing basketball. Two of our investigators came and I was able to make a relationship with them. After it ended we had a lesson with M----i. He is from Okinawa and he is so chill. He is progressing way fast and he understands everything. We read most of Alma 32 with him and it went way good. Then we asked him if he would prepare for baptism and he said yes! So we are really excited about that. We don't have a date set yet but we will. He is honestly kinjin (golden person).
After that we had lunch and showered and went to district meeting. We had a great time talking about investigators and we think we have a lot of potential this transfer. Then we went and got pizza for dinner as a district. It was like some of the only good pizza here. Then we sang to Elder Spackman cause it was his birthday! After that we went to Motomachi and streeted around a bunch. There was a dude walking a rug. Jk it was a dog but I saw it and it was a rug on a leash but then it moved.... You couldn't see a face, it was just dreadlocks man. It was hilarious.
Sunday: We had church and it was way good cause I understand what people say and I love getting to know all the ward members. We then had a lesson after church with M----i and he was so chill. We talked about a lot of random principles and he is way committed to baptism and wants to follow the commandments and it's awesome. After that we had food at the apartment and had to go back to the church to submit and write a bunch of reports. So we did that and locked up the church. Then went and tried to talk to some people but nobody was out or they were on dates.
Monday: We went to Costco!! I love Costco. We bought a bunch of food and came back. That's basically all we did up to this point. So ya. Sorry, I feel like I went all over on this email but I'll be better next week. Gospel is true! Pictures! Our thug picture is on top. In the middle is M----i.
Sunday: We had church and it was way good cause I understand what people say and I love getting to know all the ward members. We then had a lesson after church with M----i and he was so chill. We talked about a lot of random principles and he is way committed to baptism and wants to follow the commandments and it's awesome. After that we had food at the apartment and had to go back to the church to submit and write a bunch of reports. So we did that and locked up the church. Then went and tried to talk to some people but nobody was out or they were on dates.
Monday: We went to Costco!! I love Costco. We bought a bunch of food and came back. That's basically all we did up to this point. So ya. Sorry, I feel like I went all over on this email but I'll be better next week. Gospel is true! Pictures! Our thug picture is on top. In the middle is M----i.
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