Week 32 - "Week two in Da City"
Wednesday: Today was pretty normal. We went down to Yamashita Park and also the harbor. It was weird being by the ocean. Not too many interested people but a few good conversations. Then we went back and had dinner really quick cause we had to meet N------a Kyodai for a lesson. We just shared a bunch of different scriptures and it was pretty good. Then we had Ekaiwa. There were not a whole ton of people at Ekaiwa but it was pretty fun still. A guy we invited like 3 days before came, so that was cool and he's now a new investigator.
Thursday: We had weekly planning a lot of the day. We planned a lot for M----i and it went well. For dinner we went to the Larsen's. They are awesome. The dad is American and the mother is Chinese and they both know multiple languages. They gave us an awesome meal of French dip sandwiches and some seven up! It was way delicious. After dinner and chatting, we watched the restoration video together. It was way good and we all felt the spirit. M----i seemed to like it but it was a little hard for him to understand the hard English.
Friday: We went to the church early to set up for the open house. That was easy. Then we had lunch at a good ramen shop where the owner loves missionaries so he gives us free stuff. Then we had a district kubari at a place called Kannai. We passed out a bunch of flyers, helped 2 Filipino kids exchange money, talked to a veteran who fought for the U.S. in Korea and Vietnam, and met a possibly crazy man all at that time. So that was definitely a success.
Then we had to buy me new tennis shoes for basketball the next day. So we did that and we got back to church and started riding our bikes back. I had the shoe box in a bag on my handle bars but I had the bag wrapped around my hand so it wouldn't get caught in the spokes. But alas when the bag swung one time my knee going forward while peddling shoved it into the spokes and I turfed it on my bike. That was kinda sucky. I was mad cause I thought my bike light broke. Elder Spackman asked if I was okay and I said ya, but I was angry that my light broke. My bag was shredded but the box and the shoes were good. I was just confused and stuff. But we made it back then did some studies. After that we tried contacting some potential investigators and one of them said he'd come to basketball.
Saturday: We had studies, then basketball. A good amount of people came to that and it was a lot of fun. My watch broke while I was playing. Brother Barton also joined us, so that was fun. After basketball we had a lesson with M----i and it was soooooooo good. We taught him about a ton of stuff and he understood all of it. He also finally understands how the spirit communicates with us and he said "If I try to feel it, I can feel it!" So that was sick. Also, another awesome thing when we
talked about commandments was when he said "Well, if Jesus says it's bad, people can't just say it's good!" We laughed so hard and we were like that's right! After that we invited him to be baptized on May 15th and he's committed!! So we are way psyched. After that awesomeness, we went and had a fast lunch then went to Hakuraku for stake conference. It was pretty good but I wasn't super good at
focusing. It was cool seeing all the people and members from my first area again. Then we headed back home.

(The Barton's sent Elder Molen's parents this photo. They Barton family is in Japan for work. By chance, their son, Elder Barton, is serving in Sendai, Japan. Elder Molen and Elder Barton attended an EFY session together a few years back.)
focusing. It was cool seeing all the people and members from my first area again. Then we headed back home.
(The Barton's sent Elder Molen's parents this photo. They Barton family is in Japan for work. By chance, their son, Elder Barton, is serving in Sendai, Japan. Elder Molen and Elder Barton attended an EFY session together a few years back.)
Sunday: So we went to stake conference again but this time M----i came. It was pretty long and hot so he thought it was ok. After though, he got to talk to President Wada and that was way good. He also made a bunch more friends so he is just rocking it right now. He was telling people how excited he is to be baptized and it's just so awesome. Then we came back and ate food. After that we went and did some streeting and housing. The first kid we talked to we got his phone number so that was awesome.
Today!: We bought groceries then went and played ultimate frisbee with brother Barton and the Kamiooka elders. It was way fun and we got some good exercise. The Japanese people thought we were weird. And that's the rundown!
Today!: We bought groceries then went and played ultimate frisbee with brother Barton and the Kamiooka elders. It was way fun and we got some good exercise. The Japanese people thought we were weird. And that's the rundown!
The gospel is awesome! Keep enduring and do your best! Pics!
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