Mailing Address:

Elder Jarron McKay Molen
Japan Tokyo South Mission
1-7-7 Kichijoji, Higashi-cho
Musashino-shi, Tokyo
180-0002 JAPAN

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Another Week in Takao and First trip to Kofu

Week 85 - May 16, 2017 - Another Week in Takao
We've been pretty swamped like this entire week with just meetings and planning so I will try to make it interesting.

 We had MLC on a Tuesday! It was a way awesome one is time cause we are focusing on just the restoration and linking everyone back to that. All the trainings were way bomb and I think everyone was able to feel the spirit during that. We had an activity where we read Joseph Smith History verses 14-19 (the first vision) and we just talked about every truth we could find within that. For example, Heavenly Father and Jesus have bodies of flesh and bone. It was crazy! There were so many it was unbelievable, and it was one of my favorite activities I've done. So needless to say, that MLC rocked. Also we got hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch and I almost cried.

Next, I made my first trip to Kōfu which takes 2 hours by train. It's a huge bowl close to Mount Fuji and it was way cool. I'll attach the pics and videos with it. We had district meeting there and introduced our zone theme which we think went pretty well. Everyone seems excited and we are certain we will see tons of miracles this transfer.

Then we had English class at night. The 人数 was 少ない so we will have to work on getting more students there.
Thursday we had a lot of stuff to do. We had Jitensha taxi. It just means bike taxi and we drive elderly to their apartments for service. I'll send the video for that too. It was way fun and we did some planning with that as well. We then had district meeting in Hachiōji which also went well with introducing the theme. We got back to finish our planning and contact some people but that was about it for that.
Friday was pretty sick. We had exchanges with 2 of the Hachiōji elders. We had a good time during the day and found a few potential investigators. The time schedule was a bit weird though. At night we got invited by one of our investigators to play soccer with all his college friends on the campus so we were like "awesome!" So we went there and made good relationships with all of them and told them we were missionaries and stuff. It was a ton of fun and I think next time we will be inviting them to the Polynesian event to see if they can come.

Saturday we got to help a member move. So we carried and lifted a bunch of stuff into a different apartment. We got uncomfortably stuffed into a Japanese truck and it was just a blast. After that though we had to go to a meeting with the stake president since we are the zone leaders. Elder Battaglia, Elder Riggs, are the other zone leaders so they were there as well. We talked about the wards and if there was anything we/them could do more to get the work moving forward. It was way good and he's an awesome stake president. Then we had priesthood meeting where I actually got called out by the stake president randomly to talk about how the work is going and things like that so I did my best and winged it.

Sunday was pretty funny. For Mother's Day I expected to hear all the usual songs and flowers and all that, but I was the only person who talked about it. The rest of church was focused on the priesthood!! It was pretty funny 'cause the primary kids even sang about the priesthood and I was like this is so weird, why aren't they talking about moms. But ya, Japan does what it wants.

was also really good. We had skype with the fam, good to see you guys. Then we had a zone meeting on all the stuff we learned at MLC which went really well but was kinda of difficult with the time frame we had. Regardless everyone had a good time and realized what President Warnick's focus is. Then we ate dinner and had a blitz in Takao! I went with Elder Ayala. He is on his last transfer and I'm on my second to last so we just had 2 grandpas going for it. We somehow found he one Hispanic guy in the area, and Elder Ayala talked with him for a while and it was a big miracle 'cause we got his number too. Then we talked to a few other great people.

Today we went to the temple and now next time I go will be my last! Oh my gosh! It's getting kinda weird now. But ya, as usual the temple was a great experience. The Restoration is real and if you don't thinks so, read it! Until next week. Here is the loads of pics and stuff.

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