November 30, 2015
Here is the rundown of this Thanksgiving week!
Tuesday: After the temple we did shopping and emails obviously, then we went to do some housing after dinner. We went to a members house. His name is Yamanouchi, which means inside the mountain which is pretty cool. But we prayed with him and asked for his faith together with ours that we would find people to hear our message in his area. After a bunch of angry old ladies told us to go away, we found a nice guy who has been to our church before and said it was good. So we invited him to the Christmas party and we are hoping he will come. A lot of people answered their doors that night and it was really cool.
Wednesday: So we had the usual morning routine then we went to the church. We finally, hopefully fixed my bike for good and so far it hasn't broken so pray for me. Then we went over to a place called Tsunami Shims to try and find some people but that day was kinda cold and not many people were out or wanted to talk. So we eventually went back and had dinner, then had Boys Scout Ekaiwa. It was way fun just like last week and they are still scared to talk to us lol. But we did a Thanksgiving-themed discussion and did pin the feather on the turkey, and I think they liked that so that made me happy.
Thursday: So we had (just like every Thursday) weekly planning! We studied and planned for all the stuff in the coming week and it was very effective planning. After that we had normal Ekaiwa and we did the same thing as we did with the Boy Scouts and I think they liked it as well, but either way they now know more about American culture than they did before.
training on teaching the plan of salvation in 15 minutes or less. This is in Japanese btw. I was surprised cause I actually was able to do it fairly well. My zone leaders are really nice and easy to get along with so I always like receiving trainings from them. After that we went back to the apartment for dinner. Then we rode over a ways to
another member's house but sadly he was still at work so we went and prayerfully picked a spot to start housing. We found a place and we started going on the columns of doors, and we found a high school student who seemed interested. We asked when we could come back and talk more and he said Sunday, so we said great! Then we talked to a few other interesting, but uninterested, people and then rode on home.
Saturday: Had the good ole morning schedule but ended a little early because we had a dendo no hi (missionary work day) with some of the ward members. We went on splits with members to go visit less actives in the area. There are about 200 less active people in our area. I went with Yamazaki Kyodai and we went to a place called Okurayama. He bought me some things from a Japanese bakery and it was actually pretty good. It was great weather that day so that was also really nice. Sadly neither of less actives went to visit were there though. But we talked to some people and invited them to church so that was good. We also had a Buddhist missionary come up to us and give us a flyer lol. We were like "wow he was pretty brave." We still invited him to our church he he. Then after that we did some stuff at the church and then went over to an American member's house for Thanksgiving! He is in he bishopric of Tokyo second ward, so he invited us over and we had a big nice Thanksgiving dinner, so I was really happy. It was fun to talk to their kids and get to know them better. They were super nice and we told them how thankful we were for their feeding us. After that we biked back to the church for game night. We play ping pong and then at the end share a message. I played with one of my friends named Kento and it was pretty fun. We shared a video about Christmas at the end and it was nice.
Sunday: So we did the usual then went over to dcs and talked about investigators. After that we went through the church meetings where it is still hard for me to understand but I think I'm getting better. Then we went back and had dinner. After that we decided to go back and visit our friend who said we could come back on Sunday. This time his mom answered and said that he probably doesn't have much interest and that they are good. But she let us teach a lesson and talk for a little bit and was really nice. She gave us a bag of oranges after we
ended our discussion and she was real nice towards us and we appreciated that. We did a little more housing after that but didn't really find anyone.
Today: (Monday or America's Sunday): We decided to go over to Kamakura for p-day. It's a pretty big tourist place and my companion elder Phillips was there for a few transfers. We went and visited the Daibutsu (the big Buddha!) and it was pretty interesting. It was a lot bigger than I expected it to be. Then we checked out some shops and ate lunch at this little shop. And now we are at me writing this email. Well I'll talk to you all next week and thanks for all the emails!
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