Mailing Address:

Elder Jarron McKay Molen
Japan Tokyo South Mission
1-7-7 Kichijoji, Higashi-cho
Musashino-shi, Tokyo
180-0002 JAPAN

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

District Meeting of the Transfer
October 10 - Week 54
Hey so this is the beginning of another new transfer!

Wednesday: We had zone meeting over in Kamiooka which was the last time we got to see a few people before they went home (except me 'cause I had to go to Kichijoji to pick up my trainee.) Then we had lunch with one of Elder Jenner's friends at La Salsa and it was a lot of fun. He told us all about his conversion and how he felt and stuff. Then we had Ekaiwa which was great cause 30 people came which is a lot! It was a ton of fun.

Thursday: I went to the mission home and got to see my beloved Elder Phillips before he departed so that was awesome. I also saw Elder Dunn and some others so it was really great. Then I got to get my new companion after some trainings. His name is Elder Smith. He is super duper happy and full of energy so that's great! There were tons of new people this transfer so lots of people were training. But after getting all our stuff together I took the other 3 elders back to our area. I'm the only one in this area who isn't new to it, so it's kinda like leading around sheep all over. It's interesting. 

Other than that, General Conference was amazing as usual! The prophets and apostles are just the best and spit spiritual fire all day long. I could listen to them all day. But today we went to Costco and it was a great time like every time so ya! Well that's all for this week.  The prophets and apostles are God's servants.   The atonement is real, and god loves you all! Here's a bunch of pics.4. Elder Ikeda and Sister Norris going back to their homes.
All the new missionaries

Elder Smith and Elder Molen
Sister Norris and Elder Ikeda heading home.  Elder Molen 3rd from left. All were in the first district in Japan.
La Salsa
The gospel is the best!

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